Chapter 15. ‘... and bogged down. Here, the driver and passenger were pretty casual about my help. Snappily dressed young men, rather well fed, they clearly thought it a bit infradig (as it were) to accept assistance from a passing tourist of vintage years. Or maybe it was sensitivity about their Korean car. I couldn't help humming 'Daewoo! Daewoo! Daylight come and I wanna go home ... !' but I don't think they got the joke, as sometimes happens with snappily dressed young men.’

Chapter 16. ‘... I had promised to send them copies. One of the soldiers' names was Adnan Boumedienne. 'Ah!' I said, 'Monsieur le President!' – referring to his distinguished surname, that of a past Algerian head of state. We had all conversed as best we could despite the language problem and, at length and with some deliberation, he said, 'Vous êtes très sympathique!'
I have to say I found that quite moving. There was more to the word in French than the literal translation.’

Chapter 20. ‘... there, in those wide spaces, is a legacy unique not just to Algeria but to the whole planet. A wilderness known to few but so pristine and unspoiled that a simple awareness of it must be the first step. ... What can be done? What should be done? Nothing more revolutionary than moderation should be the aim. And that – one of the uncomfortable things that have to be said – means keeping out the wrong people.’